T - 10 seconds
A few thoughts (mostly explained by Prof. Alverson) i somewhat regurgitated 1.5 hours ago for my anthro exam (hopefully in more words than this):
For precolonial Africans, time = communal space.
It was marked by lived experiences/events in the community: naming, initiation into adulthood, marriage; planting, harvesting, trading. One was never "bored" and one never had "too much too do" or "not enough time." One did not have the experience of "wanting" more than one could have because there was enough for all and in times of hardship all was shared.
In capitalism and market economies, time = private property. It is something that we must fill with productivity, (or if we have the luxury, laziness) because time is money. We are forever seeking to balance work with play (relationships, entertainment, philosophical exploration, learning) in order to live "good lives" and feel fulfilled. Most of us spend much of lives confused about how to do this and "empty," "bored," with "too much to do" and "too little time in which to do it," and we face a constant battle to be content with what we have and what we "have to do."
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